Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ruby's Building Poem (Mole Class)

Big yellow diggers all around,
Churning up the muddy ground.
Cranes lifting bricks up so high,
I bet they could reach the sky.
My school looks like a different place,
Lots of children, we need the space.
Crashing and bashing when I'm in my class,
So many noises, when will they pass.
The men sit down for a cup of tea,
And that means, at last, some peace for me.
Big yellow diggers all around,
Churning up the muddy ground.


  1. Well done, Ruby - yours is the first entry again! Fantastic poem too!

  2. I wonder who will be next. Well done Ruby, you are the 100 Word Challenge Queen!

  3. What a brilliant poem Ruby - well done. I liked the way you used the first two lines again to end the poem.
